Changing the World with A Word: Oola

Almost 4 years ago, I bought a book called Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World. The book is about the 7 areas you need to balance and grow to live the life of your dreams. Who wouldn't want to do that? Live the life of your dreams, yes please!


I read it cover to cover all in one sitting. In honesty, it is only 241 pages. But still, it was a great read! I laughed, I cried. Trust me you'll cry to when you read chapter 17, too. But in the end, I wasn't ready to work through what was keeping me from reaching my true potential. Frankly at that time, I was just trying to survive raising a 1 year old and battling a variety of issues like clogged milk ducts and mastitis.

Fast forward to present day, I saw on Facebook that the OolaSeeker, Dave Braun and OolaGuru, Troy Amdahl were coming to Austin to do a book signing and Q&A. The stars had aligned and I got to have my book signed and meet them today! We bonded a little over the fact that I had one of the earliest editions of the book.

Melanie Galloway, Austin Childbirth Educator with Oola, Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl at Austin Barnes and Noble Bookstore.

They have a new book out that is called, Oola for Women: How to Balance the 7 Areas of Life to have Less Stress, More Purpose & Reveal the Greatness Within You. I can't wait to read it!

During the Q&A, Dave talked about how they want to change the world with just one word: Oola. What does that even mean? How can just one word change the world? Oola is when your life is "Ooh La La" great in all areas. Dave explained, it is so easy to get caught up in the endless To-Do Lists of housework, running errands, running kids to school and to activities, you name it. He gave the analogy of going to Niagara Falls, being on the boat, and only seeing the mist and nothing else. You're too close and in the thick of life to change anything. "When you're in the mist, you can't see the beauty in your own life. Step outside of the mist". Dave challenged us to step back from the hustle and bustle, just long enough to read the book and think about where you are at in your life and where you want to be. 

Dave Braun Quote from Oola Dream Tour Stop at Austin Barnes and Noble Bookstore.

Dave went on to talk about that Oola is a ripple effect. If just 1 woman reads the book, works on balancing and growing the 7 areas of her life. She then becomes the best mother, wife, friend, sister, person that she can possibly be. She impacts her family. Then that family impacts those around them and so on and so on. Therefore, changing the world with people who are reaching their potential and living their dreams.

I have been guilty of letting the daily grind of life take over. What about you? I think it's about time, for not just me but everyone to consider stepping out of the mist and into the life of your dreams.